Content: django CMS demo instructions

Sign up for the django CMS Demo


Get access to the django CMS demo platform in 3 steps


Request access to the demo platform 

Fill out the form and click on submit 


Receive a notification immediately with the link

After you have submitted the form, you will receive a notification that contains the access to the platform 


Enter the demo platform and login

After you have entered the demo website, login by using the login credentials that are provided in the header of the website. After you have logged in you can play around and test the various frontend features of django CMS. 

Do you need help with your CMS evaluation?

We also offer a free guided django CMS demo by our django CMS experts.

Just send us a request and we will gladly help you!

Contact us
Who should support django CMS


Service Providers

Organizations that offer services around django CMS to their clients, for example web design, web development, hosting, consulting, etc.


Website Owners

Organizations who use django CMS to run their website benefit from django CMS being open and free (e.g. we don't charge any license fees).



If you are an individual python developer and having fun using django CMS for your website projects we invite you to contribute.

django CMS is free and open. To ensure that stays that way, the django CMS Association was founded in Switzerland in 2020. We are the guardians of django CMS. Here you can see the association's current strategy and the most recent annual report. The association is entirely run by volunteers.

Why contribute to django CMS?

  • We need your help for django CMS to remain open, free, cutting edge and well maintained.
  • Your financial contributions support the django CMS Fellowship, which directly translates to continuous, high-quality software improvements and fixes.
  • The django CMS Fellow also provides great technical support for developers (i.e. by handling your technical questions and requests across our support channels).