Content: Get started with django CMS

Get started

Quickly get started and play around with django CMS on your local machine using the new django-cms command to start a new project.

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install django-cms
$ djangocms mysite
$ cd mysite
$ python -m manage runserver

Need help? Check out our support section.

Go to installation docs

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django CMS is operated by the community. Join our team of contributors and make a real difference. 

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  • Contribute to the development of django CMS
  • Find a mentor and increase your skills
  • Boost your reputation in the developer community
  • Meet new people and benefit from knowledge sharing


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Get Support

There is a solution for all your django CMS questions.

Reach out to the django CMS community to get help or find an expert.


Go to Support


Install locally from PyPi

Download the latest files on PyPi. The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language.

Install in 5 minutes on your local machine and start exploring as described in this blog post.

Install locally

django CMS quickstart

Install a dockerized django CMS project with django CMS quickstart. Make sure to have a look at the documenation

Get django CMS quickstart

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