Content: for Enterprise Marketers

Powerful & lean open source platform for managing your content needs 

Built for enterprise marketers

Download the fact sheet


Benefits for Corporate Marketing Managers


Enterprise ready

Django CMS is a powerful toolkit designed to empower your team to craft immersive, engaging digital experiences without the hassle of complex technical barriers. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and robust set of features, your marketing team can easily create and manage content-rich websites, landing pages, and digital campaigns with unprecedented speed and agility.



Whether you're managing multiple brand websites, launching targeted microsites, or orchestrating intricate content workflows across departments, Django CMS adapts to your needs with ease. Its modular architecture and extensive plugin ecosystem enable seamless integration with your existing processes and pipelines, empowering you to leverage the full potential of your digital assets.


Secure & compliant

Django CMS's commitment to security and compliance ensures that your corporate data and customer information are always protected, giving you peace of mind in an increasingly complex digital landscape.

Full versioning support of all content allows compliance with regulations and audit requirements.

Top features

Marketers, Content Editor or Developer - django CMS is the right choice for enterprise websites.

For Enterprises

  • Rich Content and Media Support: django CMS allows you to implement your Corporate Identity and Brand without compromises.

  • Marketing Integrations: Customer Relation Management (CRM) Software such as Pipedrive or Hubspot can be integrated seamlessly into the CMS.

  • Existing packages: Don't reinvent the wheel. Much of the functionality you might want to add has already been created. Just pick from countless packages on the marketplace.


See full feature list

For Editors

  • Intuitive Page Buider: All content can be edited in the frontend with ease. No coding skills required. Full drag and drop support for components and copy and paste anywhere, even across pages. See frontend editing capabilites here


See full feature list

For Developers

  • Django based: Django CMS is just a django package. Use the full power of django, a top 3 modern global web framework with a huge community. Clean MVC code everywhere.

  • Application integration: Integrate your existing django modules into the CMS with ease. Use the AppHook feature to let editors add your apps anywhere in the CMS.

  • Django CMS Association: The association supports you and django CMS in the long term.


See full feature list

Get started now!

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