Django Weekend Cardiff 2014
Divio went to the Django Weekend in Cardiff where they had a talk and a tutorial. It was an awesome conference!

First of all: A big thank-you to Daniele and his volunteers to organise this conference - we had everything we needed and they made us feel completely comfortable, welcome and home.
The conference started on Friday with the ,open day‘ including tutorials and talks. Benjamin and I were gave a talk, ,Introduction to django CMS‘ to show what django CMS offers you - from the perspective of a developer as well as content manager / end user. After the 30 minutes talk we also had some interesting discussions with the attendees of the talk. Benjamin and I were really glad that everything went well - since it was almost the first talk in English :)

Directly after the talk Kim and Benjamin were held a django CMS tutorial. They showed how to set up the CMS within a few steps and how to make a template CMS-ready. Furthermore the attendees learnt how to write a CMS-plugin and -app, as well as install a third-party-app. Since Kim was live-coding the tutorial there were some errors which fortunately let to some interesting discussions and big engagment of the group. In the end, everyone in the room learnt a lot more and we‘re happy that we could share our knowledge with others.

Daniele chose a ,secret venue‘ for the dinner - in the end it was in a prison! We were really excited: Who has ever eaten in a prison? But it was fantastic: The meal was delicious as well as the service. We felt like being in a gourmet restaurant. We can only recommend The Clink at HMP Cardiff!
The main event took place on Saturday which hosted a variety of talks, kicking off with a key note by Brandon Rhodes. During the whole event, we were had a booth in the entrance hall where we demonstrated django CMS 3.0 as well as Aldryn. It was nice to see again that people loved both products and that we were able to convince some guys to move from other systems to django CMS.

This evening we went to the ,Vegetarian Food Studio‘ - also an awesome choice of Daniele! We didn‘t miss meat for once :) It was a traditional indian restaurant and seemed to be run by a family. They did a great job: The food was delicious! We also tried to eat with fingers - as the Indians do it - but we weren‘t that successful ;) With an stuffed stomach we were heading to another recommendation of Daniele: To a microbrewery. It was so similar to our Steinfels in Zurich!

Clinics and sprints were on the schedule for Sunday. We offered a django CMS clinic together with Iacopo and Emanuela from Nephila and were happy to help out others with their problems. At three o‘clock it was unfortunately already time to say goodbye.

Not to forget: We have been served breakfast and lunch each day at Cardiff University and it was delicious all the time.
Daniele: You did an excellent job! We met many new people, we had a lot of interesting discussions - and just a great conference all in all! Also thanks to Divio, that we were able to go there!
Please find more pictures on Facebook.
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