Show and Tell
A new Google+ group "djangoCMS Virtual User Group" has been created...
by one of our core developers with the purpose of organizing monthly "Show and Tell" sessions via Google Hangouts where people can share some of the implementation details of their projects or show off new CMSPlugins or other CMS-related tools.
If you're interested, please consider joining the community at simply search Google+ for "djangoCMS Virtual User Group".
Even better, if you have a project or CMS-related tool or plugin that you'd be willing to share in a Google+ screen-sharing session, please contact the community's curator. This is a great way to get some exposure and feedback for your djangoCMS website and/or new CMSPlugin or other add-on.
The first "Show & Tell" is slated for May 8th at 8pm - 10pm GMT.
See you there!
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