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Django CMS 3.0.11 released

Martin Koistinen

March 4, 2015


Django CMS 3.0.11 is out. This is primarily a bug-fix release aimed at stability for the 3.0.x branch. However, a couple of small features have crept in.

The changelog from the release notes:

  • Core support for multiple instances of the same apphook'ed application
  • The template tag `render_model_add` can now accept a model class as well as a  model instance
  • Fixes an issue with reverting to Live mode when moving plugins
  • Fixes a missing migration issue
  • Fixes an issue when using the PageField widget
  • Fixes an issue where duplicate page slugs is not prevented in some cases
  • Fixes an issue where copying a page didn't copy its extensions
  • Fixes an issue where translations where broken when operating on a page
  • Fixes an edge-case SQLite issue under Django 1.7
  • Fixes an issue where a confirmation dialog shows only some of the plugins to  be deleted when usingthe "Empty All" context-menu item
  • Fixes an issue where deprecated 'mimetype' was used instead of 'contenttype'
  • Fixes an issue where `cms check` erroneous displays warnings when a plugin  uses class inheritance
  • Documentation updates

Many thanks to the numerous contributors that have helped us identify these issues and even provided fixes.

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