django CMS 3.2.0 Preview Release
We're very proud to announce the first preview release of django CMS 3.2 after a tremendous amount of work from Divio and the community. This version brings various performance and user interaction improvements such as touch support and a much improved structure board.
This is a preview version as things are still being worked on. We are aiming for a release candidate (RC1) in the beginning of October and will progress through to the final release, once it is production-ready. A full change log will be supplied as we move forward with the release candidates. A feature freeze will start at RC1.
We are encouraging the community to test the preview release and provide us feedback on the GitHub issue tracker as much as possible so we can move forward to full release. You can do this by either using the djangocms-helper or checking out the CMS directly from the develop branch. We are also providing a docker image where you can build all components right away.
Quick Summary for 3.2.0
- full touch support (Tablet, Tabletops, Phablets)
- enhanced and polished user interface
- much needed improvements to the structure board
- enhancements to components such as modal, sideframe and the toolbar
- significant speed improvements on loading, http requests and file sizes
- new djangocms-admin-style look & feel
- restarts no longer required when changing apphooks
New structure board design:

Improvements to adding plugins:

Improvements to dragging:

Improvements to the modal:

Many thanks to everyone involved!
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