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django CMS at PyCon UK 2016

Daniele Procida

Sept. 22, 2016

We were back at PyCon UK again, with two of our core developers, Iacopo Spalletti and Daniele Procida (i.e. me!).

For the first time, PyCon UK was held in Cardiff, at the magnificent Cardiff City Hall. Also for the first time, I was part of the core team organising the event.

The Open Day of PyCon UK coincided with the launch of the django CMS 3.4, our first Long Term Support version.

Our talks and workshops

My talk on the open day discussed the travails of web deployment on Python, especially compared to how easy our friends in the PHP world have it. In recent years Python web deployment has been becoming steadily easier, thanks to the services offered by companies such as Django Europe and Python Anywhere, and even non-Python-specialists such as Heroku

Our own Aldryn Cloud platform is the latest of these efforts, and combines specialised Django deployment and hosting with a sophisticated toolchain for the developer (including command line and desktop client applications, server APIs and a complete local development environment).

On Friday, Iacopo's talk django CMS in the real time web described how the project is positioning itself, along with other projects in the Django ecosystems such as Channels and the Django Rest Framework, as part of a future of real-time web applications.

Iacopo followed his talk with a workshop for django CMS application developers during the sprints. He also announced DjangoCon Europe 2017, to be held in Florence - we'll be there too!.

Our growing community

At each event we attend we're delighted to meet ever-more django CMS users and contributors. It's clear that django CMS is not just a tool of choice for Django developers who build projects for their clients, but for many people in the Django community it's how they get their first introduction to Django itself.

We never tire of hearing what successes people have had with the project, and we always look forward to learning about more. See you at django CMS Day, our next event.

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