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Structureboard improvements, an update

Vadim Sikora

June 8, 2017

Our work on the structureboard is providing some significant speed gains.

Last month we shared some news about the work we're doing on the django CMS structureboard. We've made more progress since then, and can show some results.

The video below shows the same operations being conducted side-by-side on a very complex page.

On the left is the version in development, and on the right is the latest release version (3.4.3).



As you can see, the new version cuts 80 seconds off the process - a speed-up of almost one-third, achieved by eliminating behind-the-scenes reloads when updates are made. The even better news is: depending on your system and connection, the speed gains could in practice be even greater.

We're very happy with this progress, and hope that before too long a final release with improvements will be available.

This development has been conducted and funded by Divio.

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