We welcome Lincoln Loop, expositio, D-Modules and Widev to the django CMS Association
We are very happy to start the new year with four new members!

The four new members are experts in web & software development with many years of experience, whose combined expertise will be a great asset to the django CMS Association.
Gold Membership
- Lincoln Loop: Experts in full-stack Django Web Development, DevOps, and User Experience.
Bronze Membership
- Expositio: An independent technology agency with years of experience in the design and development of complex technical software solutions.
- D-Modules: Specialist in the development of applications and websites.
- Widev: 15 years of experience in application development, database engineering, network management and information security.
We thank our new members for their financial support of our open-source project and their work contribution to the django CMS codebase!
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