UPDATED: django CMS 3.9.0 RC1 released
****UPDATE*** We have released RC3 after an issue was detected in RC2

+++UPDATE+++django CMS 3.9.0 RC3 Release is now available
We've fixed another issue that emerged. RC3 will now be out for one week until the Golden Release
Version 3.9.0 RC3 is available for installation in several different ways:
- tag: https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms/releases/tag/3.9.0rc2
- CHANGELOG: https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms/blob/3.9.0rc2/CHANGELOG.rst
+++UPDATE+++django CMS 3.9.0 RC2 Release is now available.
Thanks to our community, a critical bug was detected and we were able to fix it right away.
Version 3.9.0 RC2 is available for installation in several different ways:
- tag: https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms/releases/tag/3.9.0rc2
- CHANGELOG: https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms/blob/3.9.0rc2/CHANGELOG.rst
This is the old article for RC1 Release
django CMS 3.9.0 RC1 Release is now available.
Thanks to the active support of Florian (goutnet), who not only took over the release process completely, but also wrote a script to make future releases easier, more than 70 pull requests from over 25 contributors could be included in the 3.9.0 RC1 Release. Now that's what I call a real community release! Amazing community effort!
The list of changes is long. Here are only a few highlights...
Add support for Django 3.2 LTS version
Add support for django-treebeard 4.5.1
Replace Travis.CI with Github Actions
Changelog & Upgrade Instructions
Please see the changelog for django CMS 3.9.0.rc1 for full details of the changes.
Please see the upgrade instructions.
How to get it
Version 3.9.0 RC1 is available for installation in several different ways:
- via pip (
pip install django-cms==3.9.0rc1
) - directly from GitHub
- on Divio - try it in a ready-to-deploy new project using Aldryn Django CMS from the alpha channel
Testing & Feedback
Please file any bug reports on GitHub, and give us any other feedback in our Slack (#support)
Thanks to all contributors for their efforts!
This release includes over 70 pull requests, and was created with the help of the following contributors (in alphabetical order):
- Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer (1 pull requests)
- Aiky30 (3 pull requests)
- Alexandre Joly (1 pull requests)
- Anatoliy (3 pull requests)
- Angelo Dini (3 pull requests)
- Arjan de Pooter (1 pull request)
- Benbb96 (1 pull requests)
- Benjamin PIERRE (1 pull requests)
- BrijeshVP (1 pull requests)
- carmenkow (1 pull request)
- Daniele Procida (3 pull requests)
- Florian Delizy (8 pull requests)
- fp4code (3 pull requests)
- Frank (1 pull requests)
- G3RB3N (1 pull requests)
- greengoaxe (1 pull requests)
- Iacopo Spalletti (3 pull requests)
- Jacob Rief (3 pull requests)
- Jean-Baptiste PENRATH (1 pull requests)
- John Bazik (1 pull requests)
- Mark Walker (2 pull requests)
- Michael Anckaert (1 pull request)
- Munim Munna (2 pull requests)
- Nicolai (15 pull requests)
- Petr Glotov (1 pull requests)
- Sebastian Weigand (2 pull requests)
- Radek Stępień (1 pull requests)
- sin-ack (1 pull requests)
- victor-yunenko (1 pull requests)
- Vinit Kumar (4 pull requests)
- Vladimir Kuvandjiev (1 pull request)
- Vytis Banaitis (1 pull requests)
- Yuriy Mamaev (1 pull requests)
With the review help of the following contributors:
- Aiky30
- Angelo Dini
- Benjamin PIERRE
- Daniele Procida
- Éric Araujo
- Florian Delizy
- Francesco Verde
- greengoaxe
- John Bazik
- Mario Colombo
- Mark Walker
- Nicolai
- Petr Glotov
- Radosław Stępień
- sin-ack
- Stuart Axon
- Vinit Kumar
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