DjangoCon.EU 2023 in Edinburgh was a great event!

Plenary sessions were held in the Music Hall at the Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh

Talks covered hot topics for all Django users and developers

Live music at the soical event

django CMS versioning update in a "lightening talk".

The django CMS team was well represented at the sprint
Hello everyone! Here's a quick update from the django CMS Fellow: Last month was marked by the DjangoCon.EU in Edinburgh! What a delightful conference! (Those who never attended a DjangoCon: it is worth going! 2024 it will be held in Vigo, Spain)
- django CMS was strongly represented by @Mark Walker, @Jacob Rief, @Jens-Erik Weber, @Andrew Aikman, @Adam Murray and myself
- @Andrew Aikman held a great talk on green computing
- I had the opportunity to chair the Wednesday morning session
- Later on Wednesday I introduced django CMS versioning in a 5 minute lightning talk which I used to present some advanced features and what you can do with them: all part of the major upcoming release of django CMS 4
- @Daniele Procida mentioned django CMS three times in his closing remarks when advertising the sprints.
- Andrew, Jens-Erik, Jacob, Danny, Mark, Adam and myself took part in the django CMS sprint dinner on Wednesday night at a great Scottish restaurant. Great time to socialize.
- We had several new people looking at django CMS and installing their first version 4 project (@Maria Müller, @Kateryna, @Colm, Danny, @Psalms). They spent at least one day (if not two) on django CMS. Please welcome them warmly to the community!
- During the two sprint days Thursday and Friday, we had in total 6 PR done, 4 thereof merged on django CMS 4; 3 fixes started for djangocms-versioning, 3 fixes for djangocms-moderation, thereof 2 merged! It was a delight to have people working together in the same room!
Thanks to everyone participating: I think you made a great impression on the wider Django community.Also, there are now release candidates for djangocms-versioning and djangocms-alias on PyPi. Both packages are relevant for django CMS v4.
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