The APG|SGA websites was developed with a coherent and meaningful visual design language. This serves to unify not only aesthetic presentation but the presentation of information expressed through it as well.
APG assigned Divio the task of building a new website with django CMS to relaunch their website with the virtual world and create a unified branding. Based on django CMS, the mobile optimised interface ensured the mobile users simplified, improved navigation through the website, and better user experience for their services.
In addition to the technical implementation of interactive tools and an online Style Guide, the customer’s website needed to be technically revised in the course of a fully responsive website using django CMS.
Thanks to the many features and advantages provided by django CMS, the new sites have returned immediate, quantifiable value, directly attributable to improved usability and new interactive tools, including a 12% increase in return visits and a stunning 75% increase in mobile users.
The website main features are:
Fully responsive
Online Styleguide
Unified branding
Plenty of interactive tools to engage users and business professionals
The Virtual World
Building the website with django CMS contributed to significantly increased usability without compromising usefulness for three target audiences - advertising professionals, agency staff and the general public - by overhauling the information architecture of all APG|SGA group websites.
Content and navigation have been simplified, streamlined, and menus improved, with a series of techniques addressing all levels of information design. Content has been re-organised and re-structured, removing duplication and reducing the discovery burden upon visitors. The new sites prioritise accessibility and optimise performance, offering a better user experience to more users and encouraging more exploration of the group's services, tools and promotions. The “offer tool” and “topic check” implementation provides the client to place their proposed visual in a typical environment or to find out more about the local and national poster networks.
The redeveloped websites have brought the client immediate, quantifiable value, directly attributable to improved usability and the new interactive tools. This includes a 12% increase in returning visitors: customers and potential customers for whom the new sites are worth more of their time and attention. Tablet sessions increased by 33%, while mobile users showed a stunning 75% increase.
Location (HQ)
Media and Advertising
Year of launch
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