djangoCon 2024 in Vigo, Spain
We will be participating in the 2024 djangoCon in Vigo, Spain. Come meet us there. Join #django-con for getting in touch with other djangoCon goers!
We will be participating in the 2024 djangoCon in Vigo, Spain. Come meet us there. Join #django-con for getting in touch with other djangoCon goers!
In this online tech talk, Jacob Rief, author of djangocms-cascade, is going to give an introduction to the functionality of djangocms-cascade, or how he likes to call it: The Swiss army knife of django CMS.
"Instead of creating one database model for each CMS plugin, Cascade shares one database model for all of them. The payload then is stored inside a JSON field instead of declaring each attribute explicitly. This furthermore prevents us to handle all kind of nasty database migration problems." - Jacob Rief
This workshop introduces, and helps you implement, an approach that will improve your project’s documentation. The approach is one of the most talked-about movements in product documentation of recent years, especially in the open-source world. The focus of the approach will be on django CMS and django CMS documentation contribution. It is presented by the django CMS Association documentation workgroup and recommended to every dCA member, who contributes code to the open-source django CMS project.
We'll be at the third PyCon Namibia, in Windhoek, for an international gathering of Python programmers from southern Africa and beyond.
PyCaribbean is the first Python Conference of its kind on the region of the Caribbean.
PyCon Colombia 2017 will be held in Bogota. Our core developer Paulo Alvarado will be speaking: ""Creando paginas web con Django CMS".
The London Python Meetup holds a dedicated web CMS evening, with django CMS, Wagtail and Plone.
Django: Under the Hood is back for its third edition! Join us for this exciting Django conference full of deep, detailed talks and amazing opportunities to shape the future of Django.
The Italian Django community is organising the first conference dedicated to django CMS: django CMS Day, in beautiful Florence. django CMS Day will take place on the 1st of October 2016 at FabLab Firenze (14 via Panciatichi, Florence), 09.00-18.00.
PyCon UK is the annual gathering of the UK Python community and its friends from around the world. This year, the conference is held at Cardiff City Hall, from Thursday 15th to Monday 19th September.
PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language. PyCon is organized by the Python community for the community. PyCon is a diverse conference dedicated to providing an enjoyable experience to everyone.
DjangoCon Europe is back for its seventh edition! Join us this spring for five exciting days full of Django, Python and jazz in the beautiful Budapest.
DjangoCon Europe is a community-run & non-profit event that aims to gather a diverse group of curious, passionate and kind Djangonauts every year to learn, share and meet.
PyCon SK is a community-organized conference for the Python programming language. The inaugural PyCon SK will be held in Bratislava on 11th - 13th March 2016.
PyCon Namibia 2016 is an initiative of the Namibian Python community, and will be held at the University of Namibia in Windhoek, from the 25th to the 29th January.
The event will bring together 180 attendees from Namibia and around the world, including professional software developers, scientists, academics and students, for five days of talks, workshops, collaborative coding and community development.
DockerCon Europe 2015 is a two-day Docker-centric conference that is organized by Docker, Inc.
At DockerCon you’ll have the opportunity to hear about all of the interesting ways developers, Ops, DevOps and Sysadmins are using Docker.
In collaboration with CIklum, Divio is organizing a Python/Django event in Kiev with an expected attendance of 100 - 150 participants.
4 team members of Divio will do a talk during the event that will take place on November 14th, 2015 at Ciklum Kyiv office - Amosova 12, 20th floor, Sky Point.
Django: Under the Hood is a conference for experienced Django developers currently at its second edition. The conference will start at 1pm on the 5th of November (Thursday) and end late on the 7th of November. It will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands at the Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Python Ireland is the Irish organisation representing the various chapters of Python users. This year the conference will be held on Sat 24th - Sun 25th October in the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel in Dublin.
PyconUK, the community organised conference for the Python programming language in the United Kingdom, returns on Friday 18th - Monday 21st September 2015.
Almost everyone who attends this conference develops Django, or uses Django to develop applications. Many do both. So this event is the place to meet and interact with Django developers. You will be able to meet django CMS core developers Daniele Procida and Martin Koistinen.
Cardiff is Wales’s capital city. Wales is a small country, and Cardiff is appropriately compact, relaxed and friendly. Getting here is easy, and it’s easy to get around once you’re here. DjangoCon will be similarly welcoming - to everyone.
PyCon 2015 is in the center of an exciting city full of great food, culture, and history. It would be a shame to not check it out while you're in town!
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